Discuție Utilizator:Eeamoscopolecrushuva/Archive 2
[modificare sursă]I am sorry that you disagree with the Publishing House. I have more information about writers and translators in the volumes I have. Moreover, other volumes are to be found in antiquarians'shops.--Jean 21:14, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
Translation Request
[modificare sursă]Greetings Eeamoscopolecrushuva!
Can you please help me translate the rest of this article into Armâneashti?
Your help would be very gratefully appreciated, Thankyou very much.
Yours Sincerely, From --Jose77 05:30, 21 October 2006 (UTC)
- Thankyou so much Dumitrachi T. Fundu for the brilliant translation help!
- I am very very grateful. May you succeed in whatever you do!
- Best Wishes --Jose77 22:07, 24 October 2006 (UTC)
The latest message has been deleted
[modificare sursă]I do not allow swearing and if you are such a slavicbulgarian hero who claim a name that is not yours why didn't you sign at the end? It just shows how scared you are of the truth. Nobody said your language was less worthed than the others, we wouldn't have put it in that case. But if you keep calling us vlachs then we'll keep calling you bulgarians. Our name is Aromanians, and when you'll start calling us by the name we wish to be called, then we'll call you the name you wish to be called. Till then, things will remain as they are. You say that my people is stupid. Really, tbey were foolish to ever help in the creation of your banana country and should have created a new state within. But, things can change, nobody knows. It is time that your s.c. country's propaganda against my people stops. The black ages that my people had in your country fighting your fights, being ashamed to express their nationality, are over you silly boy, so it is time that you quit. More and more people are beginning to read this Wikipedia by the day, and unfortunately for you our language and nation will prosper again, as it had, but I don't know and I don't care what will happen to you bulgarians. I had no intention of replying to your pitiful response to a thing you do not understand, and because you might be a minor or a demented person (which can clearly be seen from the use of language) I had to write something. Eeamoscopolecrushuva 13:59, 24 October 2006 (UTC)
[modificare sursă]Sper ca se va intelege oarecum ce spun fara sa folosesc diacriticele. E posibil sa scriu un articol in romana normala si apoi cineva sa-l converteasca in aromana?
Cãndu ãnj-scriats pi romãneashce, pistipsescu cã va mi-achicãsits. Cãt vã-achicãsii, vrets s-pitritsets articule pi romãneashce a depoia s-vã hibã tradutsite pi armãneashce. Sigura ca va s-poate, mine cu teamlu-a mel adrãm cãt putem shi tsi putem s-u mãrisim numirlu-a articulilor pi armãneashce aoatse. Alla, cama ghine va s-hibã cãndu va s-putets s-u adrats pi anglica (English) sh-cama lishor va nã-hibã. Tu pistipseare di achicãsire, Eeamoscopolecrushuva 14:05, 25 October 2006 (UTC) Costandina Dica, vitse-prezidentu
Atunci de ce nu începi să traduci din articolele de pe wikipedia română? Numai ghini --Bonaparte 12:32, 4 November 2006 (UTC)
Re: Aromanian name
[modificare sursă]Greetings Eeamoscopolecrushuva!
Since only administrators can change the title of "roa-rup" from Armâneashti into Armãneashce, therefore I have placed your name at the Requests for adminiship and after a few days you will be able to translate the Interface fron English to Aromanian. --Jose77 03:34, 26 October 2006 (UTC)
- I can do that for you. Please give me the link. Thunderhead 00:03, 28 March 2007 (UTC)
[modificare sursă]Thank you for translating the article „Tipanosoma” and the other articles.--Jean 09:56, 28 October 2006 (UTC)
[modificare sursă]Hi, sorry for not writing in Aromanian (I don't any), but it's nice to see that there still are people who can speak the language fluently and are young enough to have been immersed in the computer age (most Aromenians in Greece who are fluent in Aromanian are too old, and don't know how to use a computer - the ones who do, probably haven't found the Aromanian Wikipedia yet).
Could you please give me your views (as an Aromanian from the FYROM if that's what you are - your username mentions Moscopole and Crushuva) over several views which are confusing to people like me, who don't know much about Aromanians (I'm from southern Greece and haven't set foot in Thessaly, Macedonia or Epirus for years).
- Some people claim that Aromanians are partially assimilated Romanians who speak a Romanian dialect.
- Some people claim that Aromanians are a quasi-ethnic and linguistic group within the Greek people who speak an independent Latin language.
- Some people claim that Aromanians are an independent ethnic group 100% distinct from all of their surroundings who speak an independent Latin language.
Which of the above is closer to the views of the Aromanians?
If you're interested, there's a rather good Greek-Aromanian website which includes information on Aromanians and the Aromanian language (including a small dictionary and guide to the grammar). Unfortunately, this website is all in Greek: http://www.remen.gr/ They say that "remen" is a name by which some Aromanians call themselves.--Tekleni 22:36, 31 October 2006 (UTC)
- Let me answer for you Tekleni:
- Aromanians are Romanians South to Danube. They speak a dialect of Romanian.Bonaparte 12:14, 4 November 2006 (UTC)
[modificare sursă]Hi, there is a request to make you sysop by Jose77. If you like to become sysop here please enter the request your self. You can get temporary sysop status if you request it;
- meta:Requests_for_permissions#Temporary_permissions_for_emergency_or_technical_purposes --Walter 22:08, 3 November 2006 (UTC)
- Hey, please accept the request, I think it would be a very good idea. :-) Khoikhoi 02:55, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
- No problem! Cheers, Khoikhoi 03:42, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
- Done - I make you temp sysop for 3 months. Expire date:2007-02-15. To stay sysop make sure that you follow the normal procedure by then (= ask it localy and ask it here then again when you have support)
"Grailu Armãnescu"
[modificare sursă]"Grailu Armãnescu" spuni multi; spuni cã noi armãnjlji ca unã mileti-ahorghea din Balcanj, avem unã musheatã limbã cari u-avem ca yishteari armasã shi vigljeatã di para-para-pãpãnjlji nica dit etili-atseali cari tora s-ved diparti ca tu neguri di dauã njilj di-anj. Limba-armãneascã easti mushuteatsa cu cari nã pirifãnsim tuts noi cari nã u vrem Armãnamea. Limba-armãneascã easti-atsea pi cari s-cãntarã njiljli di cãntitsi cari li-avem shi cari li-aflãm shi pit cãrtsãli veclji, limba pi cari multi dadi sh-diznjirdarã shi-sh lji-adunarã njitslji-a lor ta s-doarmã tu sãrmãnitsã, limba pi cari multi feati shi gionj sh-lji spusirã "caimadzlji"-a sivdãlui ma shi limba pi cari s-plãmsirã shi s-mirlusirã multsã gionj picurari shi cãrvãnari shi dascalj shi preftsã, cari sh-u deadirã bana ti vruta-lã Armãnami, tu etsli mintiti shi tu anjlji grei ti-Armãnamea lã dzãtsem cã suntu Apostolj shi Martiri-armãneshtsã. Cã, cripãri shi-anj grei zate Armãnjlji avurã ca baia - nu shtea multu ti ghinets. --Bonaparte 18:40, 12 November 2006 (UTC)
Limba armãneascã
[modificare sursă]Dear Eeamoscopolecrushuva,
Could you, please, tell me what is the origin of "muzãchear". What's the name of the place in which this dialect(?) is spoken, in which country it is and what's it's name in that country's language.
Sorry for my bad English!
Sincerely Yours, 12:17, 7 January 2007 (UTC). I am "Iubitor de limbi" on the Romanian Wikipedia. I don't register here, because I don't speak Aromanian.
[modificare sursă]Notice: Your sysop rights on this wiki are removed because your temporary granted status is now expired. Greetings, Effeietsanders 08:19, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
Wellkome back
[modificare sursă]I am glad you contribute again to Wikipedia. --Jean 20:12, 18 March 2007 (UTC)
RE: Welcome
[modificare sursă]Thank you for your kind welcome. I'll do that. Thunderhead 22:31, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
- Hiya, is there any way that you could create an Aromanian template for deletion, possibly Template:Delete, and add a deletion category so that I can access articles for deletion easily? Thanks, Thunderhead 01:41, 2 April 2007 (UTC)
Hello. Could you write sth about my city, Świętochłowice please? I'll be grateful. If you want, I can write sth for you in pl.wiki. Best regards, Szoltys
- Thank you so much! Can I do something for you in Polish Wikipedia? Best regards, Szoltys
Possibility of machine translation
[modificare sursă]Hi, have you considered the possibility of using machine translation to create articles for the Aromanian Wikipedia ? While Aromanian is different from Romanian, it is closely related. There is some software being developed in Spain (Apertium) that works well between closely related languages (for example Spanish - Catalan, or indeed Romanian - Aromanian). They are working on a system for Spanish - Romanian, but I think good results could be had for Romanian - Aromanian. Anyway, it was just an idea, if you have any suggestions, comments or would be interested in learning more, please let me know. - tg:User:Francis Tyers or en:User:Francis Tyers 10:40, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
- Ok, it would be easiest to discuss this in real time, via some kind of chat or instant messenging. As you don't have an email address specified, you can email me with the form here with details as to how you would like to proceed. For an idea of the degree of work involved in creating a translation pair, please see here. Do not worry if it looks a lot of work, we can help with the initial set up. - en:User:Francis Tyers 12:36, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
Versions of Romanian language
[modificare sursă]Hello. We have a page on the Romanian Wikipedia that talks about ortography accepted on the Romanian Wikipedia. Among others, we have a paragraph that explains the controvery of Aromanian and redirects users that want to write in Aromanian language to this page. I tried translating this paragraph in aromanian using the official Aromanian ortography and the Romanian like ortography. Next i list you the text i translated if you can correct it (but please keep at most you can the words and the order of them because I tried to use the same words in the Romanian version of the paragraph; especialy the word "idiom" that is an umbrella therm for language or dialect). I also list you the version written with Romanian characters. The idea is somewhat taken from pt.wiki (http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Versões_da_língua_portuguesa#Variante_galega) where the same happens with the Galician language. Thank you.
with new Aromanian alphabet
Dupã unulji lingvishtlj, idiomurile armãneascu, megeleno-rumãneascu shi istro-rumãneascu, zburatu di populele neolatine di Balcanlu, sãntu limbe tsi pricadu tu gruplu-a limbilor romanitse (neolatine) di not-datlu, altsii dzic cã sãntu dialecte di limba rumãneascã. Pentru aiste, sãntu varietãtsj di abetsedã tsi ufilisãsc yrame rumãneashci. Diferentslile ti aiste idomuri shi limba rumãneascã sãntu multse, deshi zburãtorlji di aistea s-ntseleg.
Aiste varietãtsli contestate di limba rumãneascã nu sãntu ufilisite tu Wikipedia pi rumãneasche. Ufilisitorlji cari vor s-scrjie pi armãneashce sãntu cljimatsi s-alãxiascã pi rumãneasche icã s-partitsipe tu Wikipedia pi armãneasche ufilisãndu regulile standarde astãsite pi Sympozionlu dit tu Bitule dit anlu 1997 (v. Limba armãneascã)
with Romanian alphabet
După unulii lingvişti, idiomurile armâneascu, megeleno-rumâneascu şi istro-rumâneascu, zburatu di populele neolatine di Balcanlu, sântu limbe ţi pricadu tu gruplu-a limbilor romaniţe (neolatine) di not-datlu, alţii dzic că sântu dialecte di limba rumânească. Pentru aiste, sântu varietăţi di abeţedã ţi ufilisăsc yrame rumâneaşti. Diferenţile ti aiste idomuri şi limba rumâneascã sântu mulţe, deşi zburătorii di aistea s-nţeleg.
Aiste varietăţi contestate di limba rumânească nu sântu ufilisite tu Wikipedia pi rumâneaşte. Ufilisitorlii cari vor s-scrie pi armâneaşte sântu cljimaţi s-alâxiască pi rumâneaşte ică s-partiţipe tu Wikipedia pi armâneaşte ufilisându regulile standarde astăsite pi Sympozionlu dit tu Bitule dit anlu 1997 (v. Limba armânească).
i also provide you with the Romanian version if helpful:
După unii lingvişti, idiomurile aromân, megelenoromân şi istroromân, vorbite de populaţiile neolatine din Balcani, sunt limbi distincte ce fac parte din grupul limbilor romanice (neolatine), alţii zic că sunt dialecte ale limbii române. Pentru acestea, există varietăţi de alfabet care folosesc caracterele româneşti. Diferenţele dintre aceste idiomuri şi limba română standard sunt multe, deşi vorbitorii acestor idiomuri se pot înţelege.
Aceste varietăţi contestate ale limbii române nu sunt utilizate în Wikipedia în limba română. Utilizatorii care vor să scrie în aromână sunt chemaţi să editeze în limba română standard sau să participe la Wikipedia în aromână folosind regulile standarde adoptate la Simpozionul de la Bitolia din anul 1997 (v. Limba aromână).
Thank you. --Danutz 15:23, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
- I'm aware aromanian is not a "grai" of Romanian, because grai is considered an accent of the language (for example there is a grai in the city of Cluj-Napoca of Romania, another grai in the city of Bucharest of the same country). I found idiom in the Romanian dictionary (as a neologism from French language) that means either language, either dialect. So for istance I can refer to the Mandarin idiom (the Mandarin dialect of the Chinese language) or the French idiom (the Franch standard language). Idiom is defined as an linguistic entity (either language or dialect). (http://dexonline.ro/search.php?cuv=idiom). So I think idiom would be more adecvate than grai (grai means only some differences in pronunciation). See also en.wiktionary on this matter: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/idiom The term idiom is used by some linguists instead of language or dialect when there is no need to commit oneself to any decision on the status with respect to this distinction. Also I noticed the greek term http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ιδίωμα is a sinonime with the english one.
- "Deşi" (i wrote by mistake "deşti") means "despite"/"allthough" (in that case "allthough the speakers of this idioms can understand themselves).
- By "Aiste varietãtsli contestate di limba rumãneascã nu sãntu ufilisite tu Wikipedia pi rumãneashce" i ment "This contested (controversial, not widely accepted) varieties of the Romanian language should not be used in Wikipedia in romanian". I used the term contested because their status is controversial and the use of the romanian alphabet (instead of the widely accepted new alphabet) is even more controversial. This is somewhat an explanatory sentence why Aromanian should not be written in the romanian Wikipedia (although there are some people that my find that ok), but in the aromanian Wikipedia.
- Anyway, I explained the meaning of grai in Romanian, does it have in Aromanian another meaning? Does "grai" mean in Aromanian something like "what someone speaks" (and refers to language, dialect, accent)? Does it mean the same thing with the word "idiom" as i explained it here in my comment to you?
- Also another thing i noticed. What means "Ti atsea". By "Pentru aistea" i ment "For this (idioms)", does "Ti atsea" mean that? (Doesn't it mean "Because of this"?). Also please add "distinct" (different) in the sentece "sãntu limbe tsi pricad tu grupa-a limbilor romanitse (neolatinicheshci) di Not-Datlu" so it says "there are distinct languages that are part of the..."
Thank you and best regards. --Danutz 20:11, 20 June 2007 (UTC)
You helped a lots, thank you very much, and I hope you see the text I wrote as a neutral point of view, because at least that was my intention, and I also wanted to promote the roa-rup.wiki throgh this page also. This section of the policy regarding the use (actualy the ask not to use) of the Aromanian language in the Romanian Wikipedia is now under discussion in the Romanian Wikipedia. See ro:Wikipedia:Versiuni de limbă română. I also used a version of the text written with the Romanian alphabet, because there are people that still use this alphabet and usualy this policy will adress to those users that use this alphabet and consider Aromanian a dialect of Romanian. Best thoughts! --Danutz
Translation of the Aromanian Wikipedia Interface
[modificare sursă]Greetings Prof. dr. Dumitrachi T. Fundu!
Excellent effort! I have translated those messages into Aromanian. You will be able to see those words by the end of this week. --Jose77 00:19, 3 July 2007 (UTC)
Requested Access
[modificare sursă]I've requested permanant sysop access for you at Meta. You'll get it in a couple of hours :) Thunderhead 23:08, 11 July 2007 (UTC)
- Done. You now have permanant sysop status here. Congratulations! Thunderhead 05:42, 14 July 2007 (UTC)
- Absolutely no problem, it's good to see a project grow, and I'm glad to see you doing so much work in your first day :) Feel free to contact me on Wikinews if you need anything else. Thunderhead 00:03, 15 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
- This is quite humorous, the Bureaucrat had approved both our requests here, and here. --Jose77 01:15, 15 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
- Whoops, that's my fault :) Thunderhead 19:33, 15 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
- This is quite humorous, the Bureaucrat had approved both our requests here, and here. --Jose77 01:15, 15 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
- Absolutely no problem, it's good to see a project grow, and I'm glad to see you doing so much work in your first day :) Feel free to contact me on Wikinews if you need anything else. Thunderhead 00:03, 15 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
Can you please unblock my account? Thunderhead blocked it as being a "vandal", but actually I did not vandalize but marked those pages created by the spambot with {{delete}} to have them deleted ASAP. If you want to prevent that spambot from coming again and again, copy a page like Wikipedia:Protected titles here, and protect it with the cascading protection. The only an admin can create/edit these pages. 20:05, 17 Alunar 2007 (UTC)
- Excuse me, that's my fault, seemed like he was a vandal. Thunderhead 20:09, 17 Alunar 2007 (UTC)