Vlãhia Mare

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Mapa di Atlaslu di isturie al William Robert Shepherd, iu s-veade Balcanlu tu tsirca anlu 1265, iu Thesalia easte tu njirla, cu inscriptsia "P. of Wallachian Thessaly"

Vlãhia Mare icã Valahia Mare (armãneashce: Vlãhia Mari; gãrtseashce: Μεγάλη Βλαχία, cu yrame latine: Megálē Vlachía), idhyia-ashi cunuscutã ca Vlachia (armãneashce: Vlãhia; gãrtseashce: Βλαχία, cu yrame latine: Vlachía), ira unã provintsia shi reghion tu Tesalia tu bitisita a secului daosprã shi s-uthilizea ti reghionlu tut ali Tesalie tu seculile treisprã shi pasprã. Numa yine di Armãnjlji (gãrts. Vlahi) cai bãna piste nai ma mare parte di teritoria ali Vlahii.

Numa[alâxire | modificare sursă]

Numa yine dit Armãnjlji, grupa etnicã tsi bãneadzã pi muntsãlji a Balcanlui, tsi yin di populatsiile cai zburarã limba latinã tsi s-misticã cu populatsiile di invaziile barbaritse di tu bitisita a anticvitatiljei [1]. Shi fãntãnile gãrtseshtsã shi di ascapitatã di bitisita a Evlui mediu - ca verziile frantsuzeshtsã, italicheshtsã shi aragonicheshtsã di Cronica di Morea, icã cronicearlji Ramon Muntaner shi Marino Sanudo Torsello - uthilizea zborlu "Vlãhia" icã nume alante (Blaquie, Blaquia, Val[l]achia) ta s-zburascã ti Tesalia tutã, dit muntsãlji Pindu tu ascapitatã pãnã la Amarea Eghea pi datã, sh-di teritoria a muntiljei Elimbu shi Servia pi aratsile pãnã la cãsãbadzlji Zetouni (Lamia) shi Neopatras (Ypati) la notlu.

Vedz shi[alâxire | modificare sursă]

Referentsi[alâxire | modificare sursă]

Fãntãne[alâxire | modificare sursă]

  • Fine, John V. A. Jr. (1991) [1983]. The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-08149-7.
  • Fine, John Van Antwerp (1994) [1987]. The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. ISBN 0-472-08260-4.
  • Kazhdan, Alexander, ed. (1991). The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-504652-8.
  • Nicol, D. M. (1962). "The Greeks and the Union of the Churches the Report of Ogerius, Protonotarius of Michael VIII Palaiologos, in 1280". Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section C. 63: 1–16. JSTOR 25505111.
  • Osswald, Brendan (2007). "The Ethnic Composition of Medieval Epirus". In Ellis, Steven G.; Klusáková, Lud'a (eds.). Imagining Frontiers, Contesting Identities. Pisa: Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press. pp. 125–154. ISBN 88-8492-466-9.
  • Soulis, George C. (1953). "Βλαχία-Μεγάλη Βλαχία-Ἡ ἐν Ἑλλάδι Βλαχία. Συμβολὴ εἰς τὴν ἱστορικὴν γεωγραφίαν τῆς μεσαιωνικῆς Θεσσαλίας" [Vlachia—Great Vlachia—Vlachia in Hellas. Contribution to the historical geography of medieval Thessaly]. Γέρας Αντωνίου Κεραμοπούλου. Athens. pp. 489–497.
  • Soulis, George C. (1963). "Thessalian Vlachia". Zbornik Radova Vizantološkog Instituta. 8 (1): 271–273.
  • Stavridou-Zafraka, Alkmini (2000). "Μεγάλη και Μικρή Βλαχία". Τρικαλινά. 20: 171–179.

Linkuri di nãfoarã[alâxire | modificare sursă]

  1. ODB, "Vlachs" (A. Kazhdan), pp. 2183–2184.