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William Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare easte luyursit ca naima marle scriitor di limba anglicheascã. Nu avem data cãndu ira faptu, ama sã-shcie cã easte pãtidzat 26 Apriirlu anlu 1564 tu cãsãbãlu Stratford-upon-Avon tu Anglie.

Opus di importantsã

[alâxire | modificare sursă]
  • All's Well That Ends Well
  • As You Like It
  • The Comedy of Errors
  • Love's Labour's Lost
  • Measure for Measure‡
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • Pericles, Prince of Tyre
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • The Tempest
  • Twelfth Night
  • The Two Gentlemen of Verona
  • The Two Noble Kinsmen
  • The Winter's Tale
  • Soneti
  • Venus and Adonis
  • The Rape of Lucrece
  • The Passionate Pilgrim
  • The Phoenix and the Turtle
  • A Lover's Complaint

Drame istoritsi

[alâxire | modificare sursă]
  • Amirãlu Ioanni
  • Richard II
  • Henry IV, parte 1.
  • Henry IV, parte 2.
  • Henry V
  • Henry VI, parte 1.
  • Henry VI, parte 2.
  • Henry VI, parte 3.
  • Richard III
  • Henry VIII

Drame chirute

[alâxire | modificare sursă]
  • Love's Labour's Won
  • Cardenio

Drame traghitsi

[alâxire | modificare sursă]
  • Romeo shi Iulia
  • Coriolan
  • Tit Andronic
  • Timon di Athina
  • Iuliu Tsezar
  • Macbeth
  • Hamlet
  • Troilus shi Cressida
  • Amirãlu Lear
  • Othello
  • Antoniu shi Cleopatra
  • Simbelin
  • Arden di Faversham
  • Nãshcire al Merlin
  • Locrin
  • The London Prodigal
  • Puritanlu
  • The Second Maiden's Tragedy
  • Sir John Oldcastle
  • Thomas Lord Cromwell
  • Traghedia di Yorkshire
  • Edward III
  • Sir Thomas More

Izvuri di Nuntru

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Izvuri di Nafoarã

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